Rowing Core Strength
16 February 2021 | By Fiona Milne

2021 Rowing Season is off with bang, with some great early regattas and school rowing programs in full swing. Early season form is starting to show who
worked hard through 2020 Lockdown and now their hard work will be recognized in racing.
Spring Physio Gym’s team of Rowing Australia preferred provider physios have produced a short Core Strength for Rowing video to improve posture, performance
efficiency and injury prevention through the season.
Spring Physio gym - Rowing Core Strength
6 exercises, 1 min of each, 3 levels of Challenge
Recline Sit up
Side Plank
Glut Bridges
Dead Bugs
4 pt Kneel- Bird/Dog
Bear Crawl
Give it a go and stay fast and injury free this season!
Good luck to all crews with your upcoming racing season.